PinnedPublished inNerd For TechFew things that you are probably getting wrong about why Flutter uses Dart.More and more often, I would get emails about why people think Google choose Dart for Flutter. It seems, most of those articles written by…Aug 15, 20245Aug 15, 20245
PinnedPublished inCoders’ PlaceMastering Programming: The Four Best LanguagesEnhance your programming skills with these languages, even if you don’t use them daily.Jun 16, 202320Jun 16, 202320
PinnedPublished inNerd For TechWhy Zig programmers are making so much moneyAre you wondering why Zig programmers make so much money? Guess what? It is not what you are thinking.Aug 5, 202432Aug 5, 202432
Published inNerd For TechMy Flutter and Web Predictions 5 Years After. What Next?Back in 2019, I made a prediction that Flutter would bring revolution to the Web. And damn, I was so right about it!Aug 13, 20243Aug 13, 20243
Published inNerd For TechWhy You Should Love Code ReviewsFor quite a while, I have been pitching that Code Review benefits you, engineer. Not your company, not managers, but you! In this article…May 27, 2024May 27, 2024
Published inTowards DevRust by Practical Examples — Rc, RefCell, and ClosuresRust examples from the realNov 8, 20232Nov 8, 20232
Published inNerd For TechRust Superheroes You Must Follow if You’re Using RustWhile I generally find Rust community extremely supportive, there are folks who especially stands out like I superheroes of the Rust worldOct 21, 20232Oct 21, 20232
Published inTowards DevMaking Web Apps in Rust: Part 3— Utilizing Web APIsIn this part, we are going to animate our clocks!Jul 11, 20231Jul 11, 20231
Published inTowards DevBuilding Web Apps with Rust: A Practical Guide, Part 2 — HTML & StylingThis time around, we’re crafting the basic HTML and giving our app its unique style.Jun 25, 20232Jun 25, 20232